Skirmish/multiplayer maps can now be generated randomly. The 3D world can now make use of the height axis, so ships can move in and stations can be constructed in different height levels.

Playable factions include the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire and the. The game’s look and feel is based primarily on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and features a few of its main characters and ships. Planets can now be colonized in order to accelerate the influx of new crew members, and ships' vital systems can now be upgraded in the late game. Star Trek: Armada is a real-time strategy video game developed and published in 2000 by Activision. Trading stations allow for trading between players, as well as a secondary source of latinum via Ferengi cargo ships. Arsenals of all races have been vastly expanded with new ship types, stations, and special weapons. There are new resources: metal (gathered through planets) and latinum (gathered in latinum nebulae, useless to the Borg) Species 8472 harvests any resources to "bio-matter". There are two new playable races in addition to the original four: the Cardassians and Species 8472. There are now only three singleplayer campaigns - Federation, Klingon, and Borg. I cant play instant action or any mode for that matter because it states I need my own cd. Now in the folder I clicked the Fleet Operations icon and it opens the main menu. I installed Fleet Operations Version 3.2.7 and unzipped the files into a folder. Meanwhile, a powerful rogue Cardassian force lurks to seek vengeance on other races. I havent seen any recent posts so wanted to see how to play Armada 2 on Windows 10. The Borg have managed to survive the cataclysmic Omega particle explosion and are once again invading planets deep in the Alpha Quadrant. Star Trek: Armada II is a real-time strategy game set six months after the events shown in the original game.